Local Food Producers Are a Local Treasure... Help Us Support Them

When you shop at Gibson's Fresh Grocer and support local regenerative farms like the ones listed below, you are investing in the health and sustainability of your community. By purchasing from nearby farms, you reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation and support the local economy. You are also getting access to fresh, high-quality, nutrient-dense food that is grown in a way that benefits the environment and the community. By supporting regenerative farming practices, you are helping to preserve the biodiversity of the ecosystem, maintain soil health, and reduce the use of harmful chemicals. Additionally, you are supporting small, family-owned businesses and local jobs, which helps to build a strong and resilient community.


Kingsland Ranch - West Monroe, LA

Kingsland Ranch, founded in 1979 by Dr. Terry D. King, is an 850 acres cattle ranch located just east of West Monroe, Louisiana. For more than 40 years they have raised Hereford, Red Brangus and Black Angus crossed cattle on their lush country hills.
Their animals are allowed to free range the property and graze on all the grass their hearts desire while being supplemented with hay (also grown on the same ranch), molasses and cracked corn. They use absolutely no hormones or antibiotics.


MaHaffey Farms - Haughton & Calhoun, LA

MaHaffey’s mission is to produce healthy, delicious foods for our community using regenerative agriculture practices.
They do this by moving animals on pasture, focusing on high animal welfare, and working with nature not against it. The methods they use and the food they produce are better for the land, livestock and our community.

Stow Creek Honey - Farmerville, LA

Stow Creek Honey was founded in 2015 amidst the idyllic, verdant fields of Union Parish in Northern Louisiana. Beekeeping in rural farming towns offers a wide range of benefits to the local community, as bees are essential for pollinating crops, leading to higher yields and improved crop quality. By supporting local beekeepers, we are also bolstering the production of locally grown food, which has a range of positive effects for the entire community, including employment opportunities and increased food security in the event of supply chain disruptions.

There’s just something SWEET about local honey!


Sav’s Salsa - Shreveport, LA

Sav's Salsa started in Colorado in 2011 with the goal of making the perfect salsa for a morning egg dish. In 2012, a prayer was answered and the Original Recipe was born, followed by Serrano Hot, Extra Medium, and a Mild. All recipes were carefully crafted to maximize flavor, not just heat. After moving back to Louisiana in 2014, Sav's Salsa was established as a business and grew from farmer's markets to a successful line of four flavors. Through it all, the focus remained on perfecting the taste, not competing with other brands.

WallGreens Farm & Seed - Calhoun, LA

Located in North Louisiana, WallGreens Farm & Seed is a regenerative farm that specializes in producing MicroGreens. Our young, tender greens are perfect for enhancing salads, smoothies, sandwiches, and soups. At WallGreens, we never use harmful chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, or insecticides. Instead, we work to maintain a harmonious relationship with the natural world, from the intricate chemistry of the soil to the many forms of life that depend on it.

Scarborough Farms - Dubach, LA

Scarborough Farms of Louisiana is a regenerative farm located in the hills of North Central Louisiana. It is owned and operated by John and Savannah Scarborough. Savannah grew up on a poultry farm, and she has an ag education degree. John grew up on a farm, and had a welding business.

The couple began their operation in 2016 with cattle and have gradually added in microgreens, pigs, lamb, chickens and other various products. They recycle all of their farm products and utilize regenerative and permaculture methods. Their goal is to supply their customers with locally grown and raised products while also feeding and rejuvenating the land.